This documentary series explores the complete story of Van Gogh's life and work: from his childhood in Brabant, through his busy apprenticeship years in Nuenen and his artistic adulthood in Paris, to the height of his career in the south of France. This film includes unique footage of the places in Europe where Van Gogh lived and worked: the Netherlands, Belgium and France. Experts from the Van Gogh Museum provide insight into Vincent's sources of inspiration and use letters to show how he struggled to become a truly modern artist. The documentary includes all of the artist's masterpieces, as well as numerous lesser-known paintings and sketches.
"The most comprehensive documentary on Van Gogh's life and work, produced by the specialists of the Van Gogh Museum."
The complete history of Van Gogh's life and work: from his childhood in Brabant, through his busy years in Nuenen and his artistic growth in Paris to the high point of his career in the South of France.
This documentary series explores the complete story of Van Gogh's life and work: from his childhood in Brabant, through his busy apprenticeship years in Nuenen and his artistic adulthood in Paris, to the height of his career in the south of France. This film includes unique footage of the places in Europe where Van Gogh lived and worked: the Netherlands, Belgium and France. Experts from the Van Gogh Museum provide insight into Vincent's sources of inspiration and use letters to show how he struggled to become a truly modern artist. The documentary includes all of the artist's masterpieces, as well as numerous lesser-known paintings and sketches.
"The most comprehensive documentary on Van Gogh's life and work, produced by the specialists of the Van Gogh Museum."
The complete history of Van Gogh's life and work: from his childhood in Brabant, through his busy years in Nuenen and his artistic growth in Paris to the high point of his career in the South of France.